Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thursday/Friday: Looking back....

So while I was in Southern Illinois I had some free time. I started looking back though old photos. I came across one that was taken the day before my wedding 2 years ago (left) then I put it side by side to one of the ones from my recent climbing trip (right).
I'll be honest in saying that I was hesitant to post this image, but after getting feed back from a few folks I decided to put it up here. I have still not fully reached my goal. I think I am about 85% in to my endeavor. 10% left is loosing the last few pounds. The other 5% will be keeping it off. So I might truly never be done. Which is ok, it just means I have to keep climbing. ;)

Breakfast: Eggs, smoky links, yogurt w/granola , Coffee
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: leftover Orange Chicken w/Rice, apple
Snack: 100 cal pack (cookies)
Dinner: Soup
Desert: 100 cal pack (cookies)
Exercise: 2.15 miles @ 19:28 / 2 hours climbing.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wednesday: Driving

The day went as such: Woke up, ran, ate breakfast, drove for 6 hours, got home, unpacked, laundry, gym, jewel, and then bed.

Eggs, ham, cereal, Coffee
Lunch: turkey bacon wrap
Snack: none
Dinner: Trader Joe's Orange Chicken
Desert: 100 cal packs, Ben and Jerry's
Exercise: 1.87 miles @ 19:58 (very hilly run, had a blast!) / 35 minute incline 30 min weight sets.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I woke up @ 6:30 this morning because Kristen had to go observe at the Edwards County School for her masters program. While she got ready I went running, I one here has seen a jogger, I had at least 10 cars slowdown to see what I was doing and/or who I was. Day was non to eventful. I played with Homer and Scout had lunch, read more in the anchors book and am currently watching Star Trek.

This evening i'm heading down to Carbondale to have Quatro's!!!!!! It's been to to long....October '06

Carbondale was great! Got to have a Quatro's Tomato & pepperoni pizza with Kristen, Lauren and Elise. Following dinner we went for coffee at Long Branch, oh how I miss Carbondale.

Breakfast: Eggs, Steak, Cheerios, Banana, Coffee
Lunch: Ham Sandwhich, chips, salad.
Snack: Apple Cobbler
Dinner: 549-5326 Quatros!
Desert: Coffee and a cookie
Exercise: 1.87 miles @ 19:50 (very hilly run, had a blast!)
1.25 miles @ 11:11 (very hilly run, had a blast!)

Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday: Vacation Day 1

I took a few days off work this week because it's Kristen's spring break. Yesterday I spent climbing down in Draper's Bluffs and had a good time. though this morning I woke and found a number of cuts, scrapes and bruises. I guess that's just part of the fun. :)

I posted a few pics from Draper's on my flickr site.
There is more to come but i'm on a 56k currently. :)

Oh what oh what to do tomorrow.......?

Breakfast: Cheerios, Banana, Coffee
Snack: Ice Cream
Lunch: Sancho, Taco, Nacho's
Steak, Baked Potato, Broccoli salad
Desert: Pie
Exercise: Zero Day

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday: Soill

Climb all day at Draper's Bluffs with Dave, Franck and Jeff.
Wow... Check my flickr account of the next few days I will be uploading pics. (I'm currently on a 56K and it took like 15 minutes to upload the 4 I posted) So more later.

Needless to say it's almost ten, I have been up since 5. I'm going to bed. night ya'll.

Breakfast: Cheerios, trail mix, Egg McMuffin, Coffee
Snack: Trail Mix
Lunch: Ham sandwich
Chicken' n' Dumplin', Mashed taters, Broccoli salad
Desert: More pie
Exercise: Climbing

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Went running in Albion today. I swear no one in this town has seen a jogger. <>
I do like the hills around here though adds to the fun of the run.

The drive was ok, Homer and Scout were kinda nuts but the eventually settled down. Thought after the run and slice of homemade peach pie, I'm ready to go to sleep. I still have 2 more hours to drive in the morning.

Breakfast: Eggs, Cat Fish, Hashbrowns
Snack: Coffee, Trail Mix, Fruit
Lunch: Trail Mix, Fruit
Dinner: BBQ Pork, baked beans, potato salad.
Desert: Pies
Exercise: 1.84 miles @ 18:38

Friday: Soill

All packed up for Southern Illinois! Short blog today ya'll!

Breakfast: Eggs, Smokey links, Coffee
Snack: Coffee, Clif mojo bar
Lunch: Leftover pasta pesto chicken
Snack: 100 cal pack,
Dinner: Steak, Asparagus
Desert: Ben and Jerry's Vermonty Python. Mmm......
Exercise: 2.15 miles @ 18:36

Friday, March 23, 2007

Thrusday: Friday?

Again no running, raining. blah! I spent the evening at the climbing gym. Reese gave me the good idea to do mock leading in prep for what I hope is my first sport lead this Sunday. While still on the auto belay, climb up a body length unclip gear from the harness practice placing it (Just a quickdraw). Unclip it and reclipped it to my harness, repeat. On the 30 foot practice wall I think I stopped about 5 times. Doesn't sound like it is to difficult but it's something I have never needed to do before with top-roping. Resting with one arm and placing gear with the other is a whole other ball game.

Breakfast: Eggs, Smokey links, Coffee
Snack: Coffee, Clif mojo bar
Lunch: left over Pad Thai and Red Curry with rice
Snack: 100 cal pack,
Dinner: Chicken pesto pasta. trail mix
Desert: 100 cal pack
Exercise: 1.5 hours climbing

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Was raining this morning. No running, I opted to sleep for an extra 30 minutes. Which ended up just me just kinda laying there watching the rain out the window.

Better not rain down south this weekend! Think warm, dry weather!

Breakfast: Eggs, Smokey links, Coffee
Snack: Coffee,
Lunch: Lean Cuisine, 100 cal pack
Snack: 100 cal pack,
Dinner: Red Curry Chicken w/rice
Desert: 100 cal packs
Exercise: Zero Day

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


It had better warm up soon. I'm still wearing my Under Armour when I go for my morning runs. I'm just asking for 50 degrees, that's all and maybe a little warmer when it's June.

I finally managed to do the "horn" route at the gym tonight. It involves a fun calf hook around a horn and then good balance so the auto belay don't rip you off the wall. And no holds :)

So looking forward to Sunday, I will be climbing with folks at Drapers Bluffs down in SoIll.
And here's hoping I can get to Carbondale and get me some Quatro's pizza :)

The rest of the trip will be spent relaxing in Albion with the Huff's and visiting baby Emma. I'll post some updated pics when I get back.

Breakfast: Eggs, Smokey links, Coffee
Snack: Coffee, Mojo bar
Lunch: Lean Cuisine Pizza, 100 cal pack
Snack: 100 cal pack, bag-o-animal crackers
Dinner: Spaghetti, Trail mix
Desert: 100 cal packs
Exercise: 2.15 miles @ 18:36 / 1 hour climbing.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday: Can't wait for the weekend!

It's Monday and i'm already looking forward to this weekend. Kristen, Homer, Scout and I will be going to Albion from this Saturday till Wednesday. I'll be meeting up with Dave and a few other folks from Southern Illinois to climb at Drapers Bluffs for a day. It's mostly sport climbing there, so I need to find a few quickdraws. I think I can scrounge some up, that or do a side projects and go pick up a few at a climbing shop.

Gonna be a blast!

Also looking to spend some time relaxing around Albion and maybe Carbondale.

Breakfast: Eggs, Smokey links, Coffee
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Turkey with stuffin' Lean Cuisine
Snack: 100 cal pack
Dinner: Frozen Trade Joe's pasta thing that wasn't so good, Trail mix
Desert: 2x 100 cal pack
Exercise: 2.15 miles @ 19:48 / 35 minutes on the elliptical 20 ramp 14 res. 30 minutes lifting.


I skipped running and went climbing early Sunday because I had crap to do. The afternoon was spent with Kristen and the pups, I went out grocery shopping and then to my folks house to help them with computer stuff.

Short blog today.

Breakfast: Eggs, Smokey links, Coffee
Snack: 100 cal pack
Lunch: left over cold pizza, granola bar.
Snack: 100 cal pack
Dinner: Crackers, dip, Pork chop, mashed potatos,
Desert: 100 cal pack
Exercise: 2 hours climbing

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Went running this morning. I was trying to go for 5k, however when I got back and mapped it out. I was a bit short, no matter though there is always tomorrow. I'll find a different route and go tomorrow morning.

Apparently after running and climbing today I was tired and ended up taking a 2 hour nap and after waking up, I ate 3/4 of a Trader Joe's pizza. Which was pretty good.

Also...just a note....what's up with all the pointless anger that's flying around? I don't get it.

Breakfast: Eggs, Hot Dog, mini-bagel, Coffee
Snack: N/A
Lunch: Chili w/ half grill cheese sandwhich, trail mix.
Snack: Coffee
Dinner: Pizza
Desert: 100 cal pack
Exercise: 2.62 miles @ 23:07 \ 2 hours climbing \ nap

Friday, March 16, 2007

Friday: w00t!

Had a fun and educational time at the wall last night. At the gym Dave showed me how to clip in to a top anchor and rappel down using my belay device. The first time I did this I was still clipped in to the auto-belay. The second time I did this, after clipping in to the top anchor I unclipped myself from the auto belay and rappel down just using the rope/belay device. I also tied a backup using a Pursik knot. Knots are fun!

Saturday: Kristen has class so I will be probably spend it running and gym climbing (due to our still crap-tacular weather) . Maybe I'll go for the full 5.56 mile trail-loop I have been gunning for.

Sunday: Will be spent with the family. Scouts getting leg is about 80% recovered (if you recall she hurt it back in November, and the vet said no fetch/running for 3 months. granted it's been almost for.

Breakfast: Eggs, Ham, mini-bagel Coffee
Snack: Coffee, Mojo Bar
Lunch: Curry Chicken w/Rice 100 cal pack
Snack: Coffee
Dinner: Pancakes
Desert: Pancakes
Exercise: 2.15 miles @ 18:45

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday: Much better

Went running and looking forward to climbing at the gym tonight. I think what we need now is a week of 60-70 Degrees during the day, 50 at night and no rain. Just to dry everything out. My back yard is currently a mud pit because of a combination of melting snow, rain, and my puppies playing outside now. Spring is upon us which means more time in the big blue room. Hiking, running, climbing, walking.

I'm down to the last 10-12 lbs. this is going to start to get even more fun. I'm hoping for good weather so I can get out and run and climb when I want to. :)

Breakfast: Eggs, Ham, Coffee
Snack: Coffee,
Lunch: Grill chicken sandwhich, vegi w/hummus.
Snack: Mojo bar
Dinner: Chili
Desert: 100 Cal pack.
Exercise: 2.15 miles @ 19:05 / 2 hours climbing

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wednesday: 99.9999 % better.

Well i'm happy to say that i'm feeling much better today. More tomorrow when I get off my butt from recovery and get a full day in. Looking forward to it. :)

Breakfast: Eggs, Cheerios, Coffee
Snack: Coffee, trail mix
Lunch: Leftover Orange Chicken
Snack: 100 cal pack, trail mix, pear
Dinner: BBQ Chicken, mashed potatoes, asparagus
Desert: Nyquil
Exercise: Sleep

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday: Home sick

Spent the day home sick, sleeping and resting. Nothing to exciting.

Breakfast: Cheerios
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Leftovers
Snack: 100 cal pack, trail mix
Dinner: Orange Chicken w/ rice
Desert: Nyquil
Exercise: Sleep

Monday: Sick

I went to bed Sunday night not feeling so hot and I woke up Monday thinking a run would do me good. So I went. I can't say it did me any good or worse. Throughout the day though I started feeling more and more ick. I ended leaving work early, going home taking some Nyquil, and going to bed at about 7:30.

Breakfast: Eggs, ham, mini bagel, Coffee
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Veggies w/hummus, Lean Cusine pizza, 100 cal pak
Snack: Veggies w/hummis
Dinner: Vegetarian pasta w/goat cheese
Desert: Nyquil
Exercise: 2 miles @ 20:10 10 hours sleep

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Weekend: geer and ultra-tired.

I was up till 2AM doing laundry last night and up at 7. 5 hours of sleep is generally enough, but for whatever reason, I was super tired this morning. I went running. I opted not to climb this whole weekend because my right elbow is acting kinda funky. Not sure what's wrong with it or when I hurt it, might even be from a few weeks back when I slipped on the ice. So I have told myself no climbing till Tuesday, running is ok however.

I did pick up a few more piece of gear, runners, webbing, carabiners and a few pieces of passive pro. This morning Kristen and I tried yoga, I enjoyed myself. The music was kinda odd...but then's a yoga video.

Friday, March 9, 2007


What to do on Saturday..... I need to be back home @ 3. And I do need to stop by REI to return some stuff. My options are.... nothing, run, climb, drink....
Anywho, I might opt for REI and either VE or just the Libertyville sports complex. If anyone is game let me know. I was hoping to get to the Mississippi Palisades however...I don't think it'll work out this weekend. Maybe next. I'm hoping. :)

Didn't run this morning. I got up at 4 to get to work and I don't run that early in the morning. 2 reasons.....'s just planning farking nuts, and 2 I don't really feel safe doing it. It's weird I know., but don't do what you don't feel comfy doing. 5AM I'm ok am with.

Breakfast: Yogurt with granola, Cliff bar, Coffee
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Lean Cuisine lasagana 00 cal pack
Snack: Clif Mojo bar
Dinner: BBQ Chicken with Mashed potato's, 2 beers.
Desert: Trail Mix
Exercise: Zero day

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Thursday: New gear

So my new tent showed up. However, I am sad to say that I will be returning it. It was roomy enough. However, there where a few "features" was not to crazy about. Each side of the fly has these little plastic type windows (the same type you find on the back of a convertible) I fear that it will just get worn and gross over time. The second, the fly actually clips to the tent, with those little clips you'd find on any old backpack. I'm not a fan of plastic clips anywhere near the ground on tents. just packs to big. I think the dimensions on REI's website was a bit off. O'well, and the great tent hunt continues! I did pick up a bunch of gear last night to start my climbing rack. (Send donations! to the "Keep Mike alive fund"!)

Breakfast: Eggs, ham, mini bagel, yogurt with granola, Coffee
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Leftovers with grilled chicken, 100 cal pack
Snack: Clif Mojo bar, Cookie
Dinner: Trader Joe's Orange Chicken w/rice, broccoli
Desert: Yogurt
Exercise: 2.25 Miles 18:59 / 1.5 hours climbing

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Wednesday: Is it's Friday yet?

So I had to wear a shirt and tie to work today. I learned one thing....have more then one dress shirt that fits you. I have one left, that I bought in December and it was shoved in the bottom of the hamper since then. do'h. I was tempted to just go out and buy a few last night, but I realized that I'd rather spend the money on climbing gear. I need to get some form of rack going. So I opted to try one of those dry-cleaner sheets. Worked out well.
However, I think when I reach my goal weight of 210, I think I might buy a few more shirts.

Breakfast: Eggs, ham, mini bagel, yogurt with granola, Coffee
Snack: 100 cal pack
Lunch: Chili, corn muffins
Snack: Clif Mojo bar, Cookie
Dinner: Burrito Bowl
Desert: 100 cal pack, trail mix.
Exercise: Shopping

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Tuesday: Mmore ways then one.

More snow at 5 AM! it's March! Went back to bed, my knee hurt anyway, probably for the best then. I stretch out my knee while I was in the shower this morning, which has seemed to help.

Though it seems of late I am fighting battles, left and right. I can't quite get an exact fix as to what I'm fighting and why, but it just seams that way. Maybe it's the weather. Most likely...I think...ya... Been stuck inside all damn winter besides my few snowboarding trips to Wisconsin and my morning runs. I was hoping to get a winter backpacking trip in but it does not look like that will even happen. The cold will be here for a few more weeks, but I can't see myself getting out on the trail if even for a night.

I will say I'm looking forward to day trips to Devils Lake and the Palisades with the climbin' folks. I'm still in search of a good deal on a rope. (if you know pass them my way :) )

And on that note............. Get me on a wall.

Got on a wall at about 7:45 tonight. I did my usual warm up for up and down climbing the front face of the rock a few times. After some stretching, water and chatting with Dave a bit, I decided to climb the crimper route. Holy hell....I nailed it on the first try tonight. I have been unable to get over the roof for months now. (I had climbed it the previous week, but only because I wasn't paying attention and grab a hold that is actually part of the route next to it.) do'h didn't count, I had to climb it right. To night I did and it made my day.

Eggs, ham, mini bagel, yogurt with granola, Coffee
Snack: Coffee, 100 cal pack
Lunch: Lasagna with bread chicken
Snack: 100 cal pack, rice crispy square
Dinner: Chile, corn muffins
Desert: Blueberry with yogurt and granola, tea
Exercise: 1 hour climbing

Monday, March 5, 2007

Monday: Ice is slippery

Before my run this morning I walked out to my truck to get my gloves which I left out there. When I was about to lift the handle of the car door, my feet came out from under me and I landed on the ground. The first thing that hit was my elbows and then my ass. OWE.... I kinda laid there for a minute. I think ice is colder at 5AM. Got my gloves out of my truck and went running. My elbows still kinda hurt. I have been icing them all damn day.

Eggs, ham, mini bagel, yogurt with granola
Snack: 100 cal pak
Lunch: leftover pasta, 100 cal pack
Snack: Rice crispy treat, coffee
Dinner: Porkchops, mashed potatoes, carrots
Desert: 100 cal pack
Exercise: 1.35 miles @ 11:43 / 60 minutes on incline @ 20 ramp 12-15 res / 30 minutes lifting (various).

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sunday: VE

Woke up and finally went running. It was a gorgeous sunny 25 degrees at 7 this morning. I only ran about 1.35 miles because today we were planning on going down to VE.

VE was a blast! Though the first thing on our minds was... when is the weather gonna get nicer :) Aside from that, I attempted the thumb route again. Got about 10 feet higher on it until I slipped off. Unfortunately it's so overhung that if you fall off there is no real good way to get back on the wall. (Top rope) I pulled of a slick bouldering problem with uses part of the arch, which I think was one of my better climbs today.

Breakfast #1: @ 7:30 AM Clif Mojo bar, Coffee
Breakfast #2: @ 10:30 AM Egg McMuffin, Breakfast Burrito, Coffee
Lunch: @ 3:00 PM Grilled Chicken wrap
Dinner: Chicken Carbonara, roll, salad
Desert: Fruit pizza
Exercise: 3 hours of climbing.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Saturday: 46in - to - 36in

Today I went shopping for cloths, lots of cloths. Kristen and I took a trip down to Woodfield Mall and shopped for about 4 hours. I bought my first pair of 36s! After the mall we took a trip to REI and I picked up a few more shirts, a climbing helmet from Grivel and a Life is good mug for Kristen.
The evening we spent with Sarah and Julie, dinner, playing Blokus and then watching Family Guy.
I'm hoping to get down to VE tomorrow with a few folks.

Breakfast: Blueberry pancakes with a side of bacon, coffee
Snack: 100 cal pak
Lunch: Jimmy Johns Sandwhich.
Snack: Coffee.
Dinner: Salads, Steak, baked potato
Desert: Brownie
Exercise: Zero day. (unless shopping counts?)

Friday, March 2, 2007


And once again, no running because of the weather. So i'll call today a zero day. Everyone needs them once in a while. My elbow, is having this kind of dull pain. Which I think came from a combination of shoveling snow and climbing.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, ham, mini bagle/ cream cheese, Coffee
Snack: Coffee, 100 cal pack
Lunch: Leftover pasta, 2 rolls, 100 cal pack
Snack: Coffee, Cliff Mojo
Dinner: French Onion Soup, Blackened catfish.
Desert: none
Exercise: Zero day.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Thursday: New home away from home.

So I broken down today and bought a tent. Damn the REI Marketing department for releasing the dividend checks and a 20% off coupin' on the same day. This Marmot Aeolos looks roomy enough for me, my gear and Kristen should she ever camp out with me. :)

This morning I woke up at 5 am, like I have been. I was about to check out side to see how the roads looked. When I was greeted by a bright light and a clap of thunder. Tonight i'm thinking about going climbing to see if I can do the new "Straight up" route that was set this last week.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, ham, mini bagle/ cream cheese, Coffee
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: BBQ Chicken Pizza, Cliff Mojo bar
Snack: 100 Cal pack
Dinner: Pasta w/ roll, Salad
Desert: 2 x 100 cal packs. 2 thin mint cookies
Exercise: 2 hours of climbing.