Saturday, March 3, 2007

Saturday: 46in - to - 36in

Today I went shopping for cloths, lots of cloths. Kristen and I took a trip down to Woodfield Mall and shopped for about 4 hours. I bought my first pair of 36s! After the mall we took a trip to REI and I picked up a few more shirts, a climbing helmet from Grivel and a Life is good mug for Kristen.
The evening we spent with Sarah and Julie, dinner, playing Blokus and then watching Family Guy.
I'm hoping to get down to VE tomorrow with a few folks.

Breakfast: Blueberry pancakes with a side of bacon, coffee
Snack: 100 cal pak
Lunch: Jimmy Johns Sandwhich.
Snack: Coffee.
Dinner: Salads, Steak, baked potato
Desert: Brownie
Exercise: Zero day. (unless shopping counts?)

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