Friday, March 16, 2007

Friday: w00t!

Had a fun and educational time at the wall last night. At the gym Dave showed me how to clip in to a top anchor and rappel down using my belay device. The first time I did this I was still clipped in to the auto-belay. The second time I did this, after clipping in to the top anchor I unclipped myself from the auto belay and rappel down just using the rope/belay device. I also tied a backup using a Pursik knot. Knots are fun!

Saturday: Kristen has class so I will be probably spend it running and gym climbing (due to our still crap-tacular weather) . Maybe I'll go for the full 5.56 mile trail-loop I have been gunning for.

Sunday: Will be spent with the family. Scouts getting leg is about 80% recovered (if you recall she hurt it back in November, and the vet said no fetch/running for 3 months. granted it's been almost for.

Breakfast: Eggs, Ham, mini-bagel Coffee
Snack: Coffee, Mojo Bar
Lunch: Curry Chicken w/Rice 100 cal pack
Snack: Coffee
Dinner: Pancakes
Desert: Pancakes
Exercise: 2.15 miles @ 18:45

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