Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday: Much better

Went running and looking forward to climbing at the gym tonight. I think what we need now is a week of 60-70 Degrees during the day, 50 at night and no rain. Just to dry everything out. My back yard is currently a mud pit because of a combination of melting snow, rain, and my puppies playing outside now. Spring is upon us which means more time in the big blue room. Hiking, running, climbing, walking.

I'm down to the last 10-12 lbs. this is going to start to get even more fun. I'm hoping for good weather so I can get out and run and climb when I want to. :)

Breakfast: Eggs, Ham, Coffee
Snack: Coffee,
Lunch: Grill chicken sandwhich, vegi w/hummus.
Snack: Mojo bar
Dinner: Chili
Desert: 100 Cal pack.
Exercise: 2.15 miles @ 19:05 / 2 hours climbing

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