Saturday, March 17, 2007


Went running this morning. I was trying to go for 5k, however when I got back and mapped it out. I was a bit short, no matter though there is always tomorrow. I'll find a different route and go tomorrow morning.

Apparently after running and climbing today I was tired and ended up taking a 2 hour nap and after waking up, I ate 3/4 of a Trader Joe's pizza. Which was pretty good.

Also...just a note....what's up with all the pointless anger that's flying around? I don't get it.

Breakfast: Eggs, Hot Dog, mini-bagel, Coffee
Snack: N/A
Lunch: Chili w/ half grill cheese sandwhich, trail mix.
Snack: Coffee
Dinner: Pizza
Desert: 100 cal pack
Exercise: 2.62 miles @ 23:07 \ 2 hours climbing \ nap

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