Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Wednesday: Is it's Friday yet?

So I had to wear a shirt and tie to work today. I learned one thing....have more then one dress shirt that fits you. I have one left, that I bought in December and it was shoved in the bottom of the hamper since then. do'h. I was tempted to just go out and buy a few last night, but I realized that I'd rather spend the money on climbing gear. I need to get some form of rack going. So I opted to try one of those dry-cleaner sheets. Worked out well.
However, I think when I reach my goal weight of 210, I think I might buy a few more shirts.

Breakfast: Eggs, ham, mini bagel, yogurt with granola, Coffee
Snack: 100 cal pack
Lunch: Chili, corn muffins
Snack: Clif Mojo bar, Cookie
Dinner: Burrito Bowl
Desert: 100 cal pack, trail mix.
Exercise: Shopping

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