Thursday, March 8, 2007

Thursday: New gear

So my new tent showed up. However, I am sad to say that I will be returning it. It was roomy enough. However, there where a few "features" was not to crazy about. Each side of the fly has these little plastic type windows (the same type you find on the back of a convertible) I fear that it will just get worn and gross over time. The second, the fly actually clips to the tent, with those little clips you'd find on any old backpack. I'm not a fan of plastic clips anywhere near the ground on tents. just packs to big. I think the dimensions on REI's website was a bit off. O'well, and the great tent hunt continues! I did pick up a bunch of gear last night to start my climbing rack. (Send donations! to the "Keep Mike alive fund"!)

Breakfast: Eggs, ham, mini bagel, yogurt with granola, Coffee
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Leftovers with grilled chicken, 100 cal pack
Snack: Clif Mojo bar, Cookie
Dinner: Trader Joe's Orange Chicken w/rice, broccoli
Desert: Yogurt
Exercise: 2.25 Miles 18:59 / 1.5 hours climbing

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