Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I woke up @ 6:30 this morning because Kristen had to go observe at the Edwards County School for her masters program. While she got ready I went running, I swear...no one here has seen a jogger, I had at least 10 cars slowdown to see what I was doing and/or who I was. Day was non to eventful. I played with Homer and Scout had lunch, read more in the anchors book and am currently watching Star Trek.

This evening i'm heading down to Carbondale to have Quatro's!!!!!! It's been to to long....October '06

Carbondale was great! Got to have a Quatro's Tomato & pepperoni pizza with Kristen, Lauren and Elise. Following dinner we went for coffee at Long Branch, oh how I miss Carbondale.

Breakfast: Eggs, Steak, Cheerios, Banana, Coffee
Lunch: Ham Sandwhich, chips, salad.
Snack: Apple Cobbler
Dinner: 549-5326 Quatros!
Desert: Coffee and a cookie
Exercise: 1.87 miles @ 19:50 (very hilly run, had a blast!)
1.25 miles @ 11:11 (very hilly run, had a blast!)

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