Tuesday, March 20, 2007


It had better warm up soon. I'm still wearing my Under Armour when I go for my morning runs. I'm just asking for 50 degrees, that's all and maybe a little warmer when it's June.

I finally managed to do the "horn" route at the gym tonight. It involves a fun calf hook around a horn and then good balance so the auto belay don't rip you off the wall. And no holds :)

So looking forward to Sunday, I will be climbing with folks at Drapers Bluffs down in SoIll.
And here's hoping I can get to Carbondale and get me some Quatro's pizza :)

The rest of the trip will be spent relaxing in Albion with the Huff's and visiting baby Emma. I'll post some updated pics when I get back.

Breakfast: Eggs, Smokey links, Coffee
Snack: Coffee, Mojo bar
Lunch: Lean Cuisine Pizza, 100 cal pack
Snack: 100 cal pack, bag-o-animal crackers
Dinner: Spaghetti, Trail mix
Desert: 100 cal packs
Exercise: 2.15 miles @ 18:36 / 1 hour climbing.

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