Monday, January 21, 2008

Weekend: Kicking it up a notch.

Saturday around 7:00 AM with the temperature around -5F (according to the digital readout in my Jeep) and a reported wind chill of -22F, Brian and I went running. The first 5K or so was cold, the numbing kinda cold, the last part of the run. The total run was about 10K, with some laps up and down the sled hill. The amusing part was the frost on me. From the sweet going though the gloves and dry shirt I looked like a snow cone.
After the run I indulged in some yummy blueberry pancakes and spent some time around the house with Kris and the pups followed by an evening of curry... mmm...curry.
Sunday AM was at the climbing gym where I put 20lbs in my summit pack and climbed and traversed. Climbing with 20lbs on your back is something else... something to work on.

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