Monday, June 11, 2007

Past few days and the next few days.

Saturday was spent climbing at VE with my brother and his friend from Colorado. I told then it was the best climbing that north eastern Illinois had to offer. :) I did all right. I made progress on a few 10s I have been working on. After climbing was my cousins graduation party. Half of my family didn't recognize me. Sunday was Shopping and BBQ! I got a new pair of water proof trail running shoes. Which were fun to run in this morning. I'll be taking them on my trip and using them as approach shoes / hiking for the RRG this week.
Tonight I start packing for my trip to the Red River Gorge in Kentucky for 3 -4 days. I'll be meeting up with Reese and a few others Wednesday and staying till either Friday or Saturday. I'm looking forward to climbing and Pizza and Miguel's pizza so I can finially say...which is better, Quatro's or Miguel's. My report soon to follow.

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