Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Monday: Starting the week

Rain rain rain....all damn day. I didn't even get to see it except my trip from the train station to the office which I promptly got a bit soaked. Though the 7 block walk I have everyday confirms my hatred of umbrellas. They really don't do anything and you bumping in to people all the time. Whatever happened to a good old rain jacket? Yesterday was a zero day for me. After my run and climbing on Saturday and my day (lead) climbing Sunday. I was ready for one. Kristen and I spent the evening with my folks, we took a quick trip to REI. I got to show my dad the cams I have been wanting. He was a climber back in the day. But I think "Safety Gear" (past just a rope) was new to him :)

Breakfast: Eggs, smokey links, Cheerios w/milk
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Left over pasta, 100 cal pack
Snack: 100 cal pack
Dinner: Trader Joe's Orange Chicken
Exercise: Zero, zilch, nada,

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