Sunday, May 13, 2007

Weekend: Great climbin'

Saturday was a blast. We set two top ropes, Dave rapped down one, and Jeff and I rapped down the other. This was the first time I rapped with my 30lbs backpack on. That was different. :) Easier then walking around the bluff, Climbers....we're a lazy bunch.
Climbing "Chicago" and "Evanston Township", then "Brinton's Crack " (picture left) This was an amazing climb, while only a (Devil's Lake) 5.6 it proved challenging. Fist jamming was key to this one. I ended up doing it a second time as my last climb of the day.
I followed and cleaned for Jeff as he lead the Berkley crack, a (Devil's Lake) 5.6 this was tough climb, especially when leading/cleaning it. I'm have also been learning more and more about placing gear, angle and force on falls and other safety issues that will get me leading.

Additional pics can be found on my flickr site.

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