Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tuesday : rain

The weather was nice this morning as I stepped out for my run. Which I have started to see more and more souls out at 5am, running, walking sometimes with man's best friend. I like having light that early, it for sure makes for better running :)

Climbing gym in the evening. Kept trying two climbs that I am still working on. both I get stuck at the crux move. Both entail a fair amount of hand strength and balance. one is on an auto belay so if I fall I gotta start over. and the other is way far right of the anchor that if you fall it's a pain just to get back on the route. I'll get them.

Breakfast: Eggs, smokey links, Cheerios w/milk
Snack: Coffee,
Lunch: Microwave pizza, 100 cal pack
Snack: Granola bar
Dinner: Green Minestrone soup, mini bagel
Angle food cake with cool whip, bananas and strawberrys
Exercise: 2.75 miles @24:12 / 1.5 hours climbing

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