Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Monday: Poor Scout

No running for me this morning, I was up with Scout till about 12:30 in the morning because of her leg. We went to the park for a swim and I think the water still has not warmed up all the way and it did something to whatever is wrong with her leg :( When I got home from work however she was back to how she was walking before we went swimming. I really wish the vet could do something for her, but they keep telling me there is nothing they can do. They have her on steroids still from that weird skin thing she picked up down in Southern Illinois and I think those are also helping out her leg. So here's hoping :)

Breakfast: Eggs, Smokey links, yogurt w/granola , Coffee
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Leftovers w/100 cal pack
Snack: Coffee Clif Mojo Bar
Dinner: French Onion Soup
Dessert: Chocolate and 100 cal pack
Exercise: Zero day

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