Monday, April 2, 2007

Monday: I liked it better when it was Zero out.

I actually saw another person out this morning jogging @ 5 AM! It might be due to the weather getting nicer. Chances are i'm the only nut around these parts that don't mind running when it was 0 or colder out. :) "Building Character" I think is what my father would say. Running when it was cold was a different ball game. While I was Albion I ran about 2 miles one afternoon while it was a bit above 80, I think I like running better in colder weather. Much easier, and you have a hat on to keep the sweat from running into your eyes.

This evening I tried to run a 5k. Though I guessed at the route (again) and it ended up being only 4.75K (2.95 miles) do'h! Just means i'll have to do it again. :)

Breakfast: Eggs, Smokey links, mini bagel , Coffee
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Ham & Swiss sandwich with chips and mango salsa. 100 cal pack
Dinner: Mmmmm....French onion soup
Dessert: Trade Joe's brownie mix made with yogurt
Exercise: 2.15 miles @ 18:43 / 2.95 miles @ 24:30

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