Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tuesday: Poor Scout

Long night. I was woken up at 2am by Scout to be let out. The incoming storms looked bad, so I kinda panic a bit that it might hail and moved the cars in side the garage and took in the patio umbrella. Exactly what I wanted to do at 2am. At 5 the alarm went off. I look out the window and it wasn't raining. So I got ready and not 10 minutes later when I walked outside it had started to rain. Thinking back to a quote I saw a while back "There is no such thing as bad weather, only soft people". I put on my wind shell and went running. I'm glad I went, minus the weird looks I was getting from people in the cars, I made good time. My old wind shell, which is way to baggy on me now was not bad to run in.

Didn't get anywhere tonight, poor Scout developed some rash thing over most of her body, so she was rushed to the Vet as soon as I got the Jeep home (She don't fit so good in Kristen's VW Bug). The Vet has no clue what it was. She gave us basic anti-biontics and told to call in 10 days. So i'm keeping my fingers crossed that she gets better shortly.

Eggs, Smokey links, mini bagel , Coffee
Snack: Mojo Bar
Lunch: Mmmmm....French onion soup, 100 cal pack
Dinner: Pasta w/ Zucchini
Dessert: 1 scoop Culver's
Exercise: 2.15 mils @ 18:15

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