Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wednesday: Lost Dog.

This morning Scout decided to sleep though the alarm clock and Homer moved to the couch downstairs. I guess he finds it a lot more comfy then his doggy bed. I got suited up to go running. I was about 3/4 a mile in to my run when I came across a lost dog. I think we kinda scared each other. When I tried to approached him, he just barked and ran away about 50 feet and stopped, I took a few slow steps towards him and he was gone between the houses. I hope the guy finds his way home. I drove to the train station though that same sub division an hour after I ran though it. I didn't see him. So i'm hoping.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, ham, mini bagel, hand full of trail mix and a Clementine in the car on the way to the train station. Coffee

Snack: Pear and Coffee

Lunch: Frozen Lasagna, Veggies w/ Hummus.

Dinner: Pesto chicken pasta, Salad, 2 garlic rolls

Desert: Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Morning run: 2.12 miles 19:32
Evening run: 2.12 miles 20:02

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