Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thursday: Is it Friday yet?

Just tried, and I want to go climb. I haven't been since sunday because of that damn pinch in my neck and today I'm going to go! I will not be using my new shoes. I'm going to be stopping by Moosejaw and trying on a few additional sizes. Saturday night i'll use my new ones. :)

Breakfast: 2 eggs, Ham, mini bagel coffee

Snack: Coffee, home made chocolate chip cookie.

Lunch: Sandwhich, 100 call pack chips, 100 cal pack cookies

Snack: Cliff Mojo bar

Dinner: Steak, mashed, potato cauliflower soup.
Desert: 100 call w/ pack scoop vanilla ice cream.

Exercises: 1.5 hours of climbing.

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