Monday, January 22, 2007

Weekend Report:

Saturday morning started off with a 1.5 mile mile run at a fairly easy pace just to wake up. The afternoon and evening was spent climbing at Vertical Endeavors and out for dinner and drinks with Kristen, Reese and Dave. Climbing for 5 hours was something different. I can comfortable climb an indoor 5.9 now, which makes me happy. They opened up a few new routes on "The Thumb" (5.10a and 5.10c, which were a blast to climb even though I only got about half way) to Top roping that had only previously been Lead Only. (Still can't Lead, but i'm working steadily up to it!) those were some fun routes i'm hoping they remain this way for the next time i'm down at VE. With 2 or so more months of winter, chances are good i'll be back down that way before spring kicks in.

We also made a quick trip to REI, just to pick up the basics, more chalk, latest issue of Rock & Ice, I tried on new rock shoes, but because of my Hobbit feet, it's hard to fit in to most shoes. I also now fit it to some Parna cloths, however, as the girls were so kind to point out...a shirt that $50.00 on sale.....not worth it :). Also made as stop by a local sports shop to pick up Burton Snowboarding mittens.

Sunday was spent snowboarding, I missed last season due to mostly the midwests' knack for crappy unsure winters, but I have a feeling i'll be able to get a few more days in this year from the looks of it and who knows...maybe a trip out west!

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