Friday, January 19, 2007

Mile high running:

I have a had a lot going on the last few days and haven't really had time to blog. So I'll just toss everything in to this one post. Just a note: this post will go every which way, i.e. very ADD like.

This new work out schedule I developed it proving to work well. I did have a break in it because of my recent trip to Denver, which I didn't go climbing or snowboarding (sad I know). I did get to check out the REI there. Wow.... what a store, however I had no such luck finding a jacket for Kristen or new mittens for me. I have been on the hunt for new ones ever since my puppy ate them. Those we the best mittens ever. I got them for 20$ at some sidewalk sale back in 97 while snowboarding in Utah. I miss them :( Turns out I also need new pants and jacket because they are way to baggy on me. Which makes me officially the smallest size I have been since Freshman year of high school.

Running: My running is showing improvement. I'm able to run longer distances in shorter amount of time, but I still feel I have a long way to go. I have also taken an interest into trail running, which is something additionally to work for. While in Denver I did some running. (inside because I didn't pack my Under Armor) I was able to run about two miles no real problems. I did notice some difference due to elevation. Next time I think i'd like to head higher in to the mountains and try some running, Snowboarding first though.

Climbing: I have been focusing on climbing naturals at the gym, while still not the same as outdoor it's closer to outdoor climbing then those fancy yellow green and red holds :)
I have also been pushing myself to climb hard and hard routes getting the motivation from my climbing partners. 2 more months........till outdoor around these parts :)

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