Monday, January 8, 2007


Saturday Kristen and I picked up our Christmas present to ourselves. a brand spanking new Dyson DC17 Animal. This thing rocks! I spend Saturday night vacuuming the house. I swear by the time I was done I swear the carpets looked brighter! If you have pets and carpeting...this is seriously what you need. Though I gotta say....I think the "wand" looks more like a light saber.

Sunday morning was spending running. I finally made it back to my pre-holiday mile time of about 8 minutes. With also the start of the new year I have also planed to modify my workout routine because I have decided to join the local fitness center.

Monday - AM: Run PM: Gym
Tuesday - AM: Run PM: Climbing
Wednesday- AM: Run PM: Gym
Thursday - AM: Run PM: Climbing
Friday -AM: Run PM: Running or Drinking.....
Saturday - AM: Run/Climb
Saturday - AM: Interval Run / Climb?

Only a slightly modified version of what I had before.

Also, just a note to the jack ass in the BMW that almost ran me over this morning... STOP signs are there for a reason as are speed limits. You are not the only one who is up at 5:00 AM. And if you can't see the big guy running in the blue reflective top under the street light, try more coffee or more sleep. Ass hat.....

With that said. Happy Day All!

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