Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The Next Frontier: The Gym

So I joined Fitness 19 last night so that I can go workout with Kristen. I also got two free private training session. Which I am looking forward too. The gym was for sure a different work out then running outdoors and going climbing. I started on an incline elliptical doing a 30 minute program with the resistance set to 11 and the incline set to 8. I love the arbitrary numbers they assign....just makes me think of...it goes up to 11!

Maybe i'll ask my trainer what they mean. After the 3 miles of virtual uphill semi-running I did weights. worked on forearms and hands. Kristen showed me a number of exercise that one can do with a medicine ball and she only hit me in the face once with it! And to top it all off...I did one pull up...one freaking pull up!

This morning I decided not to go for distance, but I ended up going farther then I had planned. I tried to go for time, not distance.

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