Sunday, June 15, 2008

last couple weeks.

The previous weekend I had gone on a bike/run. My plan was 12 miles on bike, followed by 5K run around Old School and then bike back home. On my way to Old School I tried to find a way while avoiding the busy roads. Short story here, I ended up in the Des Plains river after miss judging the depth of a creek I was trying to cross. Didn't fall by any means, just a weeee bit deeper then I thought. About up to the middle of my wheels, shoes wet and ya... almost went over the handle bars. Well... somewhere on this short cut finding quest, I rub up against something and my right shin/calf and right thigh broke out in poison something rather the other. I took a week off of doing anything. Walked the dogs a couple times, but nothing drastic. Saturday I hit up the climbing gym. Oh boy was I sore. Went on a 2 hour semi-hard bike ride some of it thought a thunderstorm.

This week, back to lifting, running and doing laps at the climbing gym.

On a side note, I finally was able to pick up my ice axe, crampons, softshell pants etc etc...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, now I understand what happened during your "off road" biking experience! Hope your leg is doing better!