Saturday, December 1, 2007

Yet another day of self-ass-kicking.

I wish I could do this 6 days a week. Today was started by 12K which was done in a fairly respectable time of 1:08ish minutes. After the run, I did remember to hydrate properly. Last time I didn't and I paid for it the next day.
After todays run I met up with folks at VE for a day of indoor climbing. I will admit, I went over my head with three of the leads I did. I tried the arch twice. Which is a horizontal climb of abou 5 or 6 bolts and...maybe 30 feet. I fell going for the third clip. I'm planning to give it another go next time i'm there. The other over my head climb was a 9+ my ass is all I have to say, about 4 over hangs, no feet holds. While getting over the last over hanging. I was about 4 feet above the last bolt going to clip the next one, left hand gave out and ended up falling about 15-20 feet. So after about 3 hours at the gym we headed home in the lovely snow/ice/rain mix.

And tomorrow...more ass kicking

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