Friday, December 21, 2007

Year ending...

Well just a couple more days till the end of the year. Over the last few weeks I have had some realizations and set some new goals. My goal to hit 199 by the end of the year, is not going to happen. However new goal... 190 by my Birthday. The last month I have been running and training harder that I have in a long while if ever. Starting to push distances like 10k - 12k and even 14-15k distances with out stopping, and sometimes though fresh snow. Which makes 12k feel like 20k.
Big goals set for '08 some I have mentioned some I will be keeping to myself, for now. Goals at first can seem insane, however the more and more you work towards them, the less and less insane they become.
If I don't get to posting again before the end of the year, Happy everything to everyone.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Yet another day of self-ass-kicking.

I wish I could do this 6 days a week. Today was started by 12K which was done in a fairly respectable time of 1:08ish minutes. After the run, I did remember to hydrate properly. Last time I didn't and I paid for it the next day.
After todays run I met up with folks at VE for a day of indoor climbing. I will admit, I went over my head with three of the leads I did. I tried the arch twice. Which is a horizontal climb of abou 5 or 6 bolts and...maybe 30 feet. I fell going for the third clip. I'm planning to give it another go next time i'm there. The other over my head climb was a 9+ my ass is all I have to say, about 4 over hangs, no feet holds. While getting over the last over hanging. I was about 4 feet above the last bolt going to clip the next one, left hand gave out and ended up falling about 15-20 feet. So after about 3 hours at the gym we headed home in the lovely snow/ice/rain mix.

And tomorrow...more ass kicking