Monday, July 16, 2007

Busy...busy......finally time to post.

This week I promise to get at least 3 posts in.

Saturday: I am in need of shirts and pants. So on Saturday Kristen, Lubka and I went to Woodfield mall to do some shopping. Some how I just kept finding deal after deal from places like The Gap and J. Crew couldn't find anything I liked at Banana Rep, . It was my lucky shopping day. Kristen picked up a cute jacket from Wilson's.

Sunday: I got Kristen up at 7:30 and went went for an (almost) 10K run/bike ride. She road, I ran. Took about a hour. After that I mowed the yard as we waited for Reese to join us for some plastic slinging (indoor climbing) at the climbing gym near by. Kristen did a climb that she has been working on for a while. Without even thinking about it, at that. Just goes to show that most of this crazy ass sport is in your head. I also ticketed of a route that I have been trying for a while. It was good to see Reese and Brian though. I miss climbing with those two (it's been months) , if even it was at a gym. The afternoon was spent with more shopping. Followed by a dinner of grilled fish and a good night sleep.

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