Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Getting back in to the swing of things...

Well it's hump day and I'm getting back in to the swing of things. Mostly work. I did manage to get to the climbing gym last night. Did the usual run of the mill climbs. (it's a small gym :) I gave my project route another go and go a weeeeee bit higher. but still short of the top. I'll get it one of these days. :)
Next weekend I'm planning on heading up to Devil's Lake to get in some TRing and maybe some trad, depending on who's there. For now...I'll just stare at my monitors and enjoy my StarBucks, venti (I still order "Large Coffee" and every day the lady corrects me with Venti Coffee and smiles) black coffee.

Breakfast: Eggs, Smokie links, Cheerios w/milk Coffee
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Salad
Snack: 100 cal pack
Dinner: Trader Joe's Orange Chicken w/Green Beans
Cluver's Flavor of the day (single scoop)
Exercise: 1.5 hours of climbing

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