Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tuesday : best run ever.

Woke up at 6am (that's 5 for you midwestern folks) using Google maps I found what looked like a path that ran next to the Potomac river. My hotel is about 300 feet from the river bank. So I figured why not. This trail is fun, hilly and curvy. Plus though the whole (almost 3 mile run) I got to listen to the rowing crews and their coaches in motor boats yelling orders at them the whole way. I cannot wait to hit this trail again and I might just have to tack an extra mile on it just for fun.
I'm flying back from DC tomorrow and looking forward to spending Saturday up at Devil's Lake Climbing. Here's hoping it is 70 and sunny at the Lake :P

Breakfast: Egg and Bagel sandwich, coffee
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Spinach Salad w/Grill Chicken, small cup of French Onion soup
Snack: 2 Clementines / Trail mix
Dinner: Shrimp Fajitas w/refriend beans 3 beers
Dessert: Trail mix
Exercise: 2.75 miles @ 24:00ish (forgot my watch) about 4 miles of walking around Old Town.

1 comment:

Jessa said...

It's a beautiful trail along the Potomac--glad you enjoyed it!