Friday, May 25, 2007

Taking a break.

So for the last few days of running my knee has started to hurt. Not to much hurt I guess...more feel funny. and not "ha ha" funny. A little more then 2ish miles in to my run my knee kinda does this recoil thing and it almost seams I start limping. So I made the decision to take a week off from running. This knee always gives me issues in the spring and fall, when the seasons change. I had a ski accident as a kid and I think this still stems from that. So a big middle finger to the lady that hit me and skied away with out even checking if I was OK.

This weekend is looking to be fun. BBQ at Franck house tonight, VE on Saturday with folks. I'm really hoping I pass the lead cert test. I'd like to start getting more lead practice. I think personally, leading is 1/3 mental 1/3 physical 1/3 knowledge (placing gear) combined with a little bit of not killing yourself. Usually makes for a fun day!

Have a good three day weekend ya'll!

Breakfast: Eggs, smokey links, mini bagel Cheerios w/milk
Snack: Coffee,
Lunch: Microwave pizza, 100 cal pack
Snack: 100 cal pack
Dinner: 1/2 slab ribs, mashed taters , broccoli salad
100 cal packs
Exercise: 2.75 miles @26:52 / 1 hour climbing

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