Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Fun night at the Climbing Gym! Went climbing with Kristen and Robin and met up with Franck. Robin got her belay cert there so she can go climb anytime at the Libertyville Rec Center. Franck and I spent some time attempting to traverse the whole of the climbing wall. He'd climb 10 feet, I'd climb the same 10 feet and add some to it. Then he's start over at the beginning and so on and so on. That's a hell of a work out. Also I think it's good straight/endurance training if I ever plan to climb over 80 feet or any multi-pitch routes in the future. So it's now added to my climbing workout.

Breakfast: Eggs and stuff
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Lean cuisine Lasagna, 100 cal pack
Snack: 100 cal pack
Dinner: Grilled chicken, Zucchini, and Cuscus
Dessert: 100 cal packs
Exercise: 2 hours climbing

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