Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Thuesday: Ouch...

Actually saw another person out while I running this morning. Though they where on a bike and gave me a really funny look as the passed me.
The night at the gym was typical. Worked on a few routes that I have yet to climb, did some laps (up and down climbing a few times on the same route). Near the end Kris told me I should try the two roof route again, and so, what the hell, I went for it. Frist time I lost my balance on the mantel and fell off. The Second time up the route I nailed the mantel, but somehow ended up putting about 80-90% of my body weight on my left thumb, and POP! Ouch! It's not broken (I don't think) I can still move it. But i'll know more in the morning for now i'll take Reese's advice and ice it.

Breakfast: Eggs, Smokey links, yogurt w/granola , Coffee
Snack: Coffee / Coffee
Lunch: Lean Cuisine
Snack: Mojo Bar, Coffee
Dinner: Minestrone Soup
Dessert: Ice Cream / 100 cal pack / Tea
Exercise: 2.15 miles @ 18:50 / 1.5 hours climbing

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