Sunday, February 11, 2007

Weekend Report:

Woke up at about 6:30 cause the dogs wanted out and Kristen had to get to her masters class at 8:30. I cooked a scrumptious breakfast of pancakes, smokies links and coffee and I was off the to the gym and Kris was off the class. After the gym which was a quick 30 minutes on the incline and 30 of weight sets I went to drop my car off off at the mechanic. My mom was so kind as to pick me up from the mechanic and while my Jeep was being worked on and dropped me at the rec. I met up with Reese for a few hours of climbing. Good times climbing, a little packed but it was a Saturday afternoon. I finally finally climbed the last few feet of the crack route I have been trying to get up for the last 3 months. It was my last climb of the day and I don't think Reese was going to let me down until I finished that last few feet.

It turned out that my Jeeps breaks were screwed, all four break pads, yuck. Gonna have to wait to buy me some new climbing shoes. I'm going to give the La Sportiva Miura a try when I manage to get a few extra bucks. :) (My arm got twisted...what can I say)

Sixty five minutes on the incline....30 minutes of lifting....and 45 minutes waiting in line at Jewel. That was all before noon.... Afternoon 3 hours of watching the history channel and drinking a pot of coffee.

While dinner was cooking I went for a run (2.51 miles in 23:11) and then mmmmm...home made Lasagna.

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