Thursday, February 15, 2007


A number of people have asked me, What do I eat? & Do I count Calories? & Do I keep a food journal of sorts?

What do I eat: Just about everything. There are very few things I have cut completely. I still eat cheese, sour cream, butter and ice cream. However I do limit those things, mainly because I have issues with dairy and I don't like feeling like crap.
For example in about 99% of things you eat, you won't miss any of these items.
One thing I have cut out is Soda. Soda = bad (Even diet soda) I started cutting this out because I have a problem with the carbonation in soda and eventually I just stopped drinking it. I limit myself to water , coffee, tea, and beer. (and Occasionally glass/bottle of wine). I still eat normal food. The only "store bought frozen health food" i eat are Lean Cuisines. Mainly because there are the only frozen meals that don't make me feel queezy and most of them are not that bad.

Do I count Calories: Simple answer....yes and no. The few days I have counted were not normal (maybe I should, but math is hard). I have gone days with only 700 and I have gone days with 5000+. I am not really trying to focus one cutting food out, but making better choices. I love food and always will. But you can love food and be healthy. I concentrate a lot of my effort on getting my ass of the couch and just doing stuff.
Do I keep a Food Journal?
No, but I think i'm going to start and we'll see how it goes. So today:

3 eggs
"mini" bagel w/cream cheese

Snacks: ( I was 7 hours in the freaking car today)
Mojo Bar
100 cal back of Chips Anoy!
Beef Jerky

Lunch: Skyline Chilli (I had a craving and i'm in Ohio, what else are you going to do)

Lottsa water

Salad with Blue Cheese dressing
Chicken Soup
Grill Vegis
Mashed Potatoes.
3 Beers

Granola Bar. (It was what I found in my bag while watching TV in my hotel room)

I will also try to do an exercise journal. Today:
Exercise : Ran 1 mile, weights, 50 Curels each arm, 25 wrist ups each arm, 20 Step up with 100lbs on my shoulders X2. 30 minutes on the incline (120+c/min 20 ramp 14 res)

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