Wednesday, February 7, 2007

This week thus far:

It's been to cold the run since Sunday. I went Saturday morning prob about 0. Sunday, was even colder. Monday morning when I got up.... a fun roll your windows up -15 degrees that's not factoring the wind chill. So Monday was gym day, I did about an hour on the incline and about an hour of weights. At about 8:00 PM I met up with Dave at Mt. Libertyville for about an hour of climbing. This ass-kicking day was what I needed I think to get my system back to "normal" after a weekend of eating whatever the hell I felt like. Burgers, Ribs and Meatloaf! Mmmmm....

I'm hoping it'll warm up a few degress till above 0 in the next day or so, so that I may get back out to my morning run. It's hard to wake up these days with out it!

Stay warm, cheers!

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