Thursday, February 8, 2007

More fun new gear:

So my Mountain Hardware Synchro jacket finally came in the mail last night. The first thing I did was going out side and take the dogs with a walk. it was about 2 degrees above Zero and I have to stay, for as thin as this thing is, it keep me decently warm, considering all I had under it was a cotton t-shirt. This one also fist better then the Windstopper I had previously ordered. At the gym last night I learned one....Chicken noodle soup for dinner and the incline...not a good combination. I opted to stop after about only 30 minutes. But I did a lot of focus of weights, which I should probably start doing anyway. I started adding a set of 20 lat pull downs using only 2 fingers on each had I'm hoping it adds even a little bit of finger strength.

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