Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sunday: ugh.

Sunday started like just about every Sunday. ::bark:: :bark:: hi Scout.

About 7 I went for a run. 2.25 miles in about 19:11, not bad. I took this new Mucinex stuff last night. Wow, every 20 feet I kept hacking something up. It's like exlax for your respiratory system.

After a quick break and some train mix, Kris and I met up with Dave and Brian at the LBV rec. We climbed for about two or so hours. I kept trying to get this one route that Brain is taking down tomorrow. To no avail. The crux kept shooting me down. He's saying the new one will be harder.
Everyone kept telling me it was a mind game I was playing with myself. My body could physically do the climb. But my mind was not going to let me, even though I keep psyching myself up to do it.
O well, another day another climb. I told my self if I didn't get it iId run 2 more miles today. but we'll see, I also pulled something in my neck

Food thus far today:
Breakfast: Trail mix and Coffee and some kashi
Lunch: Sushi left over squid
Snack: Ice Cream
Dinner: Meatloaf, Mashed potatos , Green beans, and fruit
Beer, Coffee

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