Saturday, December 30, 2006

Time? We don't need no stinking time!

Today was a non stop from about the time I got up at 7:30 till 8:30 and I still plan on running up to Woodmans for some shopping to get ready for new years. The day started with Running 1.5 miles, the climbed for about an hour and half. My folks showed up which is always fun, cause they take pictures. I boy do I love me so pictures. They also took some video, not sure where or how i'll post these, but i'm sure i'll figure something out.
Woodfield was packed! We did manage to do a number of returns and pick up a lot of fun stuff! Cloths cloths cloths! I had the best feeling today (sorry if i'm gloating here.....) walking in to stores thinking...I need new pants.....grabbing my size, trying them on and them fitting right off the bat. What a wonderful experience! Ok, i'm done now. I did also manage to swing by REI today and pick up a new watch (see above) for training and a second Mountain Hardware beanie. The Nike Triax has a twisted face, which took some getting used to. I will now be switching between this watch and my Ti-Chrono Seiko watch depending on the activity. But I hope to use this to better track my running times. A digital watch does this far more effectively then an analog one.

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