Monday, December 25, 2006

Sleep.....a lot.....

Today was restful and stuffing.....
This morning I woke up to 35 F degrees and rain....a lot of rain. I let the dogs out to go to the bathroom and they had different plan. Lets run across the field and try and find their buddy Porky Pug (my brother inlaws dog) to see if he can come out to play. (People who say that dogs are not like people are crazy). So I put on my hiking boots, rain coat and still wearing my pj's I took off across the field after them. They are good dogs, but the weather here the last 2 days and the 6 hour car ride, has given them cabin fever and they just wanted out. As soon as they saw me they came right back and followed be back to the Huff's. While drying off I had some coffee and breakfast......Watched "A Christmas Story" a few times. Ate dinner/lunch around noon. Around about 12:30-1:00...I fell a sleep on the couch. I only remember a few things, bits a pieces of "Office Space" and at one point one of the dogs had jump on the couch with me and slept under my legs for an hour..(I think) I woke up about 5:00-5:30. Apparently I needed sleep. I think i'm going to start focusing on getting at least 6 or 7 hours a night.

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