Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter.....

Kristen and I got to Boarders/Starbucks around 10:45 last night. Got some coffee, because we figured we were in for the long haul....boy howdy! We were right. This was's a book! Someone got hurt which brought out an Ambulance, Fire Department and I think a few squad cars, but I don't recall. With tons of Wizards and Witches of all ages running around it was a made house.
This picture was taken (and uploaded) around 12:30, the lines started moving right at midnight. There was a fun raffle that if you one you got the first place in line and a signed poster (not by J.K.). Just so happened the group of girls behind us one of their friends one....OUCH the ear drums are still bleeding a little inside.
They broke us up in to 4 colors. I heard that other locals and stores used the 4 houses of Hogwarts. Which makes more sence to me and would probably have been more fun because we could bitch or brag about what house we got sorted. So by about 1:00 our line started moving, we were pink and the last line to move. Once we got in to the building (all that time we were in the parking lot) it took about another 45 minutes to actually get the book. The girl in front of us kissed her book and hugged it all the way to the counter. Kristen was happy she got the book and her free poster (which will be proudly displayed in her classroom come fall.) I picked up the latest Uncle John's bathroom reader. Getting home about 2:30 and to bed by 3.

....and who was there to wake me up promptly at 6....a little black Lab named Scout....

And then...I ran 4 miles...more on that next time however.

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