Friday, April 27, 2007

Thursday: almost the weekend!

Saturday I'm heading up to Devil's Lake for a full day of climbing. Leaving at around 5:00 AM and getting back hopefully before night fall. So can't wait! look forward to a ton of pics!

Last night I spent at the climbing gym, I had tried a new route. It's not a typical route that people climb there because there is no belay rings above it. There is a set about 5 or 6 feet over. Which gives you a nice "swing" if you fall. Hard route though made it to the Crux. A roof (typical) :) New one to work on!

Eggs and stuff
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Lean cuisine turkey mean, 100 cal pack
Snack: Mojo bar
Dinner: Pasta
Dessert: Ice Cream
Exercise: 1.5 hours climbing.

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