Monday, January 29, 2007

Zero.5 Day:

Today I woke up, still feeling like crap. But I decided...what the hell...I'll go running. About half a mile in to the run, I realized that I had made a mistake. I should have stayed in bed and got an extra 45 minutes of sleep. Lesson learned.

The day was spent at work taking Dayquil to help my sniffles and general yuckness. This evening Kristen and I were going to go climb. She had wanted to, I still felt a bit crappy but I went to see if I could get a few climbs in and to belay her if she needed it. Apparently there was some class going on and they don't want other people near the wall while there is a class going on. Why....ya got me....

When I got home I took the pups for a walk. They had fun in the snow. Scout did very good. she didn't hop on one foot the whole 3/4 a mile we were out! With all the snow coming down I skipped my run and opted for a good number of push-ups and sit-ups.

Bottom line, I'm hoping to fell above 95% tomorrow.

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