Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wednesday: Done with snow.

I love winter, I love snow. However, i'm done with it for now. Again...the streets where icy, I opted not to run. For the last few days I keep getting up at 5 checking outside, walking out side in your PJ's at 5AM to see just how frozen the street is..... kinda nuts. If any other soul was up, I think i'd get a funny look.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, ham, mini bagle/ cream cheese, Coffee
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Salisbury steak with carrots, 100 cal pack.
Snack: Cliff Mojo
Dinner: Trader Joe's Orange Chicken, rice, broccoli
Desert: 100 Cal pack.
Exercise: 60 Minutes on the incline ramp 20 res 12. @ 65% MHR

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tuesday: Ice pack please....

When I went down stairs at about 4 am to let Scout out I looked out the front door to see if I was able to run. The roads looked to slick to attempt running. I opted to sleep an extra 30 minutes this morning. I'll run tomorrow.

Breakfast: Eggs, ham, avocado, yogurt w/granola, coffee
Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Personal Pepperoni Pizza, 100 cal pack, pear.
Snack: 100 cal pack
Dinner: Garlic tomato ravioli, asparagus
Desert: 100 cal pack, 2 Samoa cookies.
Exercise: 1.5 hours climbing (like crap) I strained my elbow and banged up my knee.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Sunday: Climbin' Monday: ugh.....need...sleep

Woke up and had breakfast with my folks. Cleaned the house and went climbing for 2 hours or so. I love my new shoes!

Food: Breakfast: Eggs Benndict w/ Hashbrowns, Coffee

Lunch: Frozen Jacks Pizza

Dinner: To damn much random finger food and an Oscar party

Desert: See dinner.

Exercise: 2+ hours Climbing


Breakfast: Mojo Bar, 100 cal pack Coffee

Lunch: Lean cuisine

Snack: 100 cal pack

Dinner: Burger with red onion and avocado .

Desert: 100 cal pack

Exercise: 50 min incline 20 ramp 12-14 res. Lifting circuit 20 minutes

Saturday, February 24, 2007


I spent my morning at work installing a new phone system for our Chicago office. Good times.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, ham, yogurt w/granola, coffee

Lunch: Sope and half a Quesadilla

Snack: Cookie

Dinner: Blueberry pancakes and bacon

Desert: Cookie

Exercise: 2 Mile walk. nap.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Friday: Weekend! VE and Shopping!

Looking forward to this weekend. Saturday I'm working (what I hope is) for a few hours. On the way home I'll be stopping at Moosejaw to check out some different climbin' shoes. I like the ones I got. However I can still wiggle my toes and I have some heal slippage. That evening will be spent a few hours at VE and then dinner and drinks @ Chevys!

Sunday i'm hoping to go cloths shopping for some much needs shirts. That evening kristen and I are going to Shelby's Oscar party :)

Breakfast: 2 eggs, ham, mini bagle w/cream cheese, granola w/ yogurt

Snack: Coffee

Lunch: Califlower Soup, 100 cal pack chips , 100 cal bar

Snack: Mojo Bar

Dinner: Burger, fries and beer.

Desert: Coocke

Exercise: 1.5 miles 10:45

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thursday: Is it Friday yet?

Just tried, and I want to go climb. I haven't been since sunday because of that damn pinch in my neck and today I'm going to go! I will not be using my new shoes. I'm going to be stopping by Moosejaw and trying on a few additional sizes. Saturday night i'll use my new ones. :)

Breakfast: 2 eggs, Ham, mini bagel coffee

Snack: Coffee, home made chocolate chip cookie.

Lunch: Sandwhich, 100 call pack chips, 100 cal pack cookies

Snack: Cliff Mojo bar

Dinner: Steak, mashed, potato cauliflower soup.
Desert: 100 call w/ pack scoop vanilla ice cream.

Exercises: 1.5 hours of climbing.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wednesday: Lost Dog.

This morning Scout decided to sleep though the alarm clock and Homer moved to the couch downstairs. I guess he finds it a lot more comfy then his doggy bed. I got suited up to go running. I was about 3/4 a mile in to my run when I came across a lost dog. I think we kinda scared each other. When I tried to approached him, he just barked and ran away about 50 feet and stopped, I took a few slow steps towards him and he was gone between the houses. I hope the guy finds his way home. I drove to the train station though that same sub division an hour after I ran though it. I didn't see him. So i'm hoping.

Breakfast: 2 eggs, ham, mini bagel, hand full of trail mix and a Clementine in the car on the way to the train station. Coffee

Snack: Pear and Coffee

Lunch: Frozen Lasagna, Veggies w/ Hummus.

Dinner: Pesto chicken pasta, Salad, 2 garlic rolls

Desert: Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Morning run: 2.12 miles 19:32
Evening run: 2.12 miles 20:02

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tuesday: Feelin' better

Last night I went to bed at 8:30 after taking some NyQuil. Woke up at 5:30 this morning feeling about 95% better. I didn't go running, I will tomorrow if I feel the same, I will be out running.

I'm looking forward for the weekend. We have plans to go Indoor Climbing at Vertical Endeavors this Saturday evening. As the weather still sucks around these parts, outdoor will have to wait. Let me know if anyone wants to join us!

Stats today:
Breakfast: 2 eggs, ham, mini bagel, Coffee

Snack: Coffee

Lunch: Sandwich, 100 cal pack, water

Snack water, 100 cal pack, trail mix

Dinner: Trader Joe's Orange Chicken w/ rice & side of broccoli

Desert: Chocolate Cake with Vanilla ice cream, Tea

Exercise: 60 Min incline ( Ramp 20 res 12-14 @ 70% MHR) 40 Curls 30 lbs, Lats, finger lats, 20 Bench step-ups 70 lbs.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday: ugh, sick,blach

That nerve in my neck started to hurt again at about 4 am this morning. Getting out of bed and stepping over Scout who has taken to sleeping on the floor right next to the bed most nights. I went down stairs to get an ice pack. Fell back a sleep with that on my shoulder. (My grammar sucks here help me edit it.) Woke up at 5 and felt about 95%. So I suited up and went running. Nice warm morning of about 18 degrees.
My meals today, I think I spent a total of 20 minutes eating, hence the Cliffs.

Breakfast: Cliff Bar, watter, coffee

Lunch: Lean Cuisine frozen pizza, Doritos,

Snacks. 100 cal bar and Cliff Mojo bar.

Dinner: Chicken noodle soup. 2 wheat rolls.

Exercise: 2.1 miles 20:11

The after noon I wasn't feeling so hot. So i'm going to bed in hopes I can make it to work tomorrow.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sunday: ugh.

Sunday started like just about every Sunday. ::bark:: :bark:: hi Scout.

About 7 I went for a run. 2.25 miles in about 19:11, not bad. I took this new Mucinex stuff last night. Wow, every 20 feet I kept hacking something up. It's like exlax for your respiratory system.

After a quick break and some train mix, Kris and I met up with Dave and Brian at the LBV rec. We climbed for about two or so hours. I kept trying to get this one route that Brain is taking down tomorrow. To no avail. The crux kept shooting me down. He's saying the new one will be harder.
Everyone kept telling me it was a mind game I was playing with myself. My body could physically do the climb. But my mind was not going to let me, even though I keep psyching myself up to do it.
O well, another day another climb. I told my self if I didn't get it iId run 2 more miles today. but we'll see, I also pulled something in my neck

Food thus far today:
Breakfast: Trail mix and Coffee and some kashi
Lunch: Sushi left over squid
Snack: Ice Cream
Dinner: Meatloaf, Mashed potatos , Green beans, and fruit
Beer, Coffee

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The start of the weekend.

I was intending to get up at 6:30 AM because I had to work. However, my black lab decided to get me up oh...about 6. because she saw the newly fallen snow out side and wanted to romp. So she was let out, she romped, peed and came back in and feel back a sleep. I love labs.

Breakfast Sandwhich, Eggs, Ham, onion, green peppers, on a croissant

Few spoons of Ice Cream
Handful of Trail Mix

Bowl of Chili
2 crepes

Small bowl Fried rice
Small bowl Soup

Exercise: Zero day

Friday, February 16, 2007


Long day, Going to go to sleep now.

Daily stats:

60 Minutes Incline (120+r/min 20 Ramp 14 res) 50 Curls 30lbs

Eggs Benedict w/Has browns

1/2 Salad 1/2 Sandwhich 1 cup Chicken gumbo

Mini Snickers

Taco Bell (nuff' said)

Ice Cream

Thursday, February 15, 2007


A number of people have asked me, What do I eat? & Do I count Calories? & Do I keep a food journal of sorts?

What do I eat: Just about everything. There are very few things I have cut completely. I still eat cheese, sour cream, butter and ice cream. However I do limit those things, mainly because I have issues with dairy and I don't like feeling like crap.
For example in about 99% of things you eat, you won't miss any of these items.
One thing I have cut out is Soda. Soda = bad (Even diet soda) I started cutting this out because I have a problem with the carbonation in soda and eventually I just stopped drinking it. I limit myself to water , coffee, tea, and beer. (and Occasionally glass/bottle of wine). I still eat normal food. The only "store bought frozen health food" i eat are Lean Cuisines. Mainly because there are the only frozen meals that don't make me feel queezy and most of them are not that bad.

Do I count Calories: Simple answer....yes and no. The few days I have counted were not normal (maybe I should, but math is hard). I have gone days with only 700 and I have gone days with 5000+. I am not really trying to focus one cutting food out, but making better choices. I love food and always will. But you can love food and be healthy. I concentrate a lot of my effort on getting my ass of the couch and just doing stuff.
Do I keep a Food Journal?
No, but I think i'm going to start and we'll see how it goes. So today:

3 eggs
"mini" bagel w/cream cheese

Snacks: ( I was 7 hours in the freaking car today)
Mojo Bar
100 cal back of Chips Anoy!
Beef Jerky

Lunch: Skyline Chilli (I had a craving and i'm in Ohio, what else are you going to do)

Lottsa water

Salad with Blue Cheese dressing
Chicken Soup
Grill Vegis
Mashed Potatoes.
3 Beers

Granola Bar. (It was what I found in my bag while watching TV in my hotel room)

I will also try to do an exercise journal. Today:
Exercise : Ran 1 mile, weights, 50 Curels each arm, 25 wrist ups each arm, 20 Step up with 100lbs on my shoulders X2. 30 minutes on the incline (120+c/min 20 ramp 14 res)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Weekend Report:

Woke up at about 6:30 cause the dogs wanted out and Kristen had to get to her masters class at 8:30. I cooked a scrumptious breakfast of pancakes, smokies links and coffee and I was off the to the gym and Kris was off the class. After the gym which was a quick 30 minutes on the incline and 30 of weight sets I went to drop my car off off at the mechanic. My mom was so kind as to pick me up from the mechanic and while my Jeep was being worked on and dropped me at the rec. I met up with Reese for a few hours of climbing. Good times climbing, a little packed but it was a Saturday afternoon. I finally finally climbed the last few feet of the crack route I have been trying to get up for the last 3 months. It was my last climb of the day and I don't think Reese was going to let me down until I finished that last few feet.

It turned out that my Jeeps breaks were screwed, all four break pads, yuck. Gonna have to wait to buy me some new climbing shoes. I'm going to give the La Sportiva Miura a try when I manage to get a few extra bucks. :) (My arm got twisted...what can I say)

Sixty five minutes on the incline....30 minutes of lifting....and 45 minutes waiting in line at Jewel. That was all before noon.... Afternoon 3 hours of watching the history channel and drinking a pot of coffee.

While dinner was cooking I went for a run (2.51 miles in 23:11) and then mmmmm...home made Lasagna.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Oh what fun times a wait a head:

20 left.....this is gonna be interesting .....

Thursday, February 8, 2007

More fun new gear:

So my Mountain Hardware Synchro jacket finally came in the mail last night. The first thing I did was going out side and take the dogs with a walk. it was about 2 degrees above Zero and I have to stay, for as thin as this thing is, it keep me decently warm, considering all I had under it was a cotton t-shirt. This one also fist better then the Windstopper I had previously ordered. At the gym last night I learned one....Chicken noodle soup for dinner and the incline...not a good combination. I opted to stop after about only 30 minutes. But I did a lot of focus of weights, which I should probably start doing anyway. I started adding a set of 20 lat pull downs using only 2 fingers on each had I'm hoping it adds even a little bit of finger strength.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

This week thus far:

It's been to cold the run since Sunday. I went Saturday morning prob about 0. Sunday, was even colder. Monday morning when I got up.... a fun roll your windows up -15 degrees that's not factoring the wind chill. So Monday was gym day, I did about an hour on the incline and about an hour of weights. At about 8:00 PM I met up with Dave at Mt. Libertyville for about an hour of climbing. This ass-kicking day was what I needed I think to get my system back to "normal" after a weekend of eating whatever the hell I felt like. Burgers, Ribs and Meatloaf! Mmmmm....

I'm hoping it'll warm up a few degress till above 0 in the next day or so, so that I may get back out to my morning run. It's hard to wake up these days with out it!

Stay warm, cheers!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Weekend thus far

Last night was spent with the wife, just shopping and dinner. Kris got really cute Keen's when we were at REI. I had to return a few things. I returned both the GPS bike mount, turns out I will be needing to make a custom one. And I returned the Mountain Hardware Windstopper jacket. It turned out to be just to baggy, it was warm however.

This morning I fixed pancakes, smoky links and coffee for breakfast before Kristen and I went climbing to Libertyville. Good time there. Worked on a few all natural routes, I don't think I got to the top of one today, but I still had a good day. I keep pushing myself to climb harder and harder. I'm learning different ways to hang on to the wall. Kinda like, Oh, that works huh. I'll remember that.

Off to go shopping with Kristen and Shelby!

Weekend thus far

Last night was spent with the wife, just shopping and dinner. Kris got really cute Keen's when we were at REI. I had to return a few things. I returned both the GPS bike mount, turns out I will be needing to make a custom one. And I returned the Mountain Hardware Windstopper jacket. It turned out to be just to baggy, it was warm however.

This morning I fixed pancakes, smoky links and coffee for breakfast before Kristen and I went climbing to Libertyville. Good time there. Worked on a few all natural routes, I don't think I got to the top of one today, but I still had a good day. I keep pushing myself to climb harder and harder. I'm learning different ways to hang on to the wall. Kinda like, Oh, that works huh. I'll remember that.

Off to go shopping with Kristen and Shelby!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Feeling way better and getting closer:

I went from my run this morning still having the left-overs of the cold in my head. I felt bad for the few people I saw who were out walking their dogs. Lotta laughing and spitting which helped cleared a lot of that shit out. Not bad time though, 1.37 miles in 11:15.

This weekend i'm planning to do some cloths shopping for a few pairs of pants and maybe a few shirts. I'll for sure be heading to Old Navy, Gap, Jcrew, and REI. Should be a fun time!

Many thanks to all of you that have sent me emails and posted to this blog, keep'em coming!