The last few months I have really pushed myself to get in shape. Putting exercise a head of just about everything else, changing my diet, and focusing on portion control.
Why? I have realized that this will be the only way that I will ever get in shape. For as long as I have remembered I have always been....well....fat about 290-320+ lbs if I had to guess (44-46 waist). Never felt really good (physically), got made fun of a lot (and I mean a lot), and couldn't do the things that I wanted to do. finding cloths was a pain in the ass and so on and so forth.
In June, I was exposed to the sport of Rock Climbing. Granted my first time out, I couldn't climb up a 5.6 to save my life, my arms where so dead after 45 minutes that I couldn't open my own beer while at my 26th Birthday party later that evening. At that point I had started to see climbing as a fun hobby. I have enjoyed only a few other sports. Skiing and Snowboarding (I never cared for team sports even though I played Lacrosse for about 6 years though Jr. High and High School) With's You vs. the Wall vs. Sir Issac Newton.
After climbing a few more times with in the following weeks I started to realizet that Sir Issac Newton was right about gravity. While skiing and snowboarding can be a workout, you have one allie, gravity. However, you learn very quickly when climbing that Gravity is clearly working against you. So I started to climb more and more. I joined a gym with a wall and have been climbing 4 to 5 times a week. Giving a day or so to rest my fingers.
About 4 weeks back, I had attempted my first 5.9/5.10 mix route. When I got to the 2nd fixed draw (20 feet up). I could not move, I was out of gas drained, not even resting while my belay held me could have help. It was after that climb that I decided to start running. Been running daily at least once (twice on non-climbing days).
That's my back story over the last 6 months.
Currently I weight about 230 lbs if I had to guess (38-40 inch waist). My mile time is around 8 minutes.
While my goal is to be a better climber, it is still second to my goal of being healthy.